
40 weeks of pregnancy: childbirth does not begin and there are no precursors

  1. Table of contents
  2. 40 week of pregnancy: signs of childbirth
  3. 40 weeks of pregnancy - how many months
  4. 40 weeks gestation - no precursors of childbirth
  5. Brown discharge at 40 weeks gestation
  6. White discharge at 40 weeks gestation
  7. Kameneet belly on the 40th week of pregnancy
  8. How to cause labor in the 40th week of pregnancy
  9. 40 weeks gestation: sensations
  10. Baby 40 weeks pregnant
  11. Related Articles

Normally considered childbirth at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy. However, nature does not always act clearly "on schedule." Therefore, expectant mothers have a well-founded concern: at 40 weeks of pregnancy there are no precursors, what to do? Even the most experienced doctor will not give an exact answer to the question why birth does not occur.

Perhaps the cervix is ​​not ready, it may be necessary for the child to spend a little more time in the womb. In any case, the wait is not long: if the birth did not occur on 39 -40 week, then the end of 40- 41 surely will end with the birth of the baby.

Table of contents

  1. Harbingers of Birth in Primiparas
  2. Symptoms of childbirth in multiparous
  3. 40 weeks of pregnancy - how many months
  4. 40 weeks gestation - no precursors of childbirth
  5. Brown discharge at 40 weeks gestation
  6. White discharge
  7. Kameneet belly on the 40th week of pregnancy
  8. How to cause childbirth
  9. 40 weeks gestation: sensations
  10. What happens to the baby

40 week of gestation: precursors of labor in primiparous

By the time of the fortieth week, women who give birth for the first time, usually already have a lot of feelings, indicating the imminent start of the process:

  • pulls the lower abdomen;
  • the baby moved a lot, and then “calmed down”;
  • water leakage ;
  • are frequent training bouts ;
  • stabbing in the lower abdomen;
  • There is a feeling that is characterized as a "hard belly."

In this case, it is possible that the cork has already moved away - this is evidenced by the appearance of mucus and blood. But it may be that the cork goes unnoticed.

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Most often, doctors advise not to worry and to tune in to the early onset of labor. It may take several more days - and the uterus will break into labor activity.

40 week of pregnancy: signs of childbirth

Second births at forty weeks are often quick, if not impetuous. If a woman notices that her belly often stiffens, the cork has come off (there were abundant mucous discharge) training bouts and are replaced by regular - childbirth can happen at any time.

In order to release the gastrointestinal tract, you can still eat dates at home, take a little castor oil. Then do not need do an enema - The procedure is generally unpleasant, and this situation is especially. Be extremely careful with castor oil - it not only cleans the intestines, but also stimulates generic activity. It is impossible to apply it at home alone - only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital and for its intended purpose.

Regular abdominal pain due to the fact that the cervix under the influence of hormones and the weight of the child gradually reveals. Need period It starts with a 4-finger opening, but for those who are multiparous, the opening can be quick, so that the mother will not have time to get to the hospital in time. Therefore, gynecologists recommend to go to the hospital immediately after the contractions became regular.

40 weeks of pregnancy - how many months

If we talk about obstetric calculations, then 40 weeks is 10 months. Nearly 9 and a half months of pregnancy, including:

Nearly 9 and a half months of pregnancy, including:

Fetal development ends at the beginning of the 10th calendar month. A child is born.

40 weeks gestation - no precursors of childbirth

Sometimes the expectant mother is worried: “The week is already ending 40 weeks, but I do not give birth.�� Should I seek medical help? Or wait a little more - maybe the cervix is ​​still long, or the fetus needs a few more days to prepare thoroughly?

The reasons that there are no contractions in week 40 may be many. Not all of them are pathological. So, sometimes the period of gestation of the fetus is slightly prolonged due to the prolonged use of magnesia - a drug used for up to 36 weeks to maintain pregnancy with high uterus tone. Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) relaxes smooth muscles. By the way, she also has a “side effect” - it reduces pressure well and reduces edema, which can play an important role during childbirth.

If a woman has normal discharge at 40 weeks of gestation, there is no pronounced edema , nausea, vomiting, high pressure, urine protein , headaches and other signs of preeclampsia, doctors give her the opportunity to deliver the fetus to the moment when the body itself will be ready for the birth process. Sometimes they can advise sex in the 40th week of pregnancy - this results in the release of hormones and mechanical stimulation, contributing to the onset of labor.

If something is alarming the doctors, they will recommend to go to the hospital. It is possible that there will be medical stimulation of labor.

Brown discharge at 40 weeks gestation

Spotting brown discharge, like any bloody discharge, is not the norm at any stage of gestation. They may indicate a placental abruption. Therefore, even if they are not accompanied by pain and are not very pronounced, a woman needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible so that she can be monitored. Highlight brown color may appear after a medical examination on the chair.

White discharge at 40 weeks gestation

White discharge, if they look like curd lumps, can talk about thrush. But sometimes light discharge appears a day or two before the onset of labor. This is normal and also indicates an increase in the preparation of the mother's body for the birth of a child. You must carefully listen to your feelings.

Kameneet belly on the 40th week of pregnancy

Complaints that the belly of the stone, often encountered. This may cause pain, aching lumbar, are heavy discharge or there are no more signs. Doctors may prescribe a woman's ginipral to relax the muscles of the uterus and gently cleanse the intestines, if the birth process has not yet begun.

If there are clear signs of onset of labor, you may need to administer mifepristone. Drug blocks production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) . How to cause contractions? The appointment of Mifepristone will help to do this.

How to cause labor in the 40th week of pregnancy

Before the prescription of medical drugs (this is already done in the hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel), doctors recommend that the woman increase her physical activity as much as possible. At 40 weeks of pregnancy, how to accelerate the onset of labor? You can arrange long vigorous walks to a state of mild fatigue, do housework, do stretching exercises, bend and wash floors, walk up and down stairs.

However, the doctor must answer the question of how to speed up childbirth at 40 weeks. You cannot do anything on your own so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

40 weeks gestation: sensations

The emergence of fundamentally new sensations at this time is possible when the beginning of the generic process is approaching. Possible:

  • diarrhea at 40 weeks gestation;
  • heartburn ;
  • weakening of movement;
  • slight swelling;
  • insomnia .

If training fights happen often, no-shpa will help. However, if a warm shower, bath and no-spa do not bring relief - mean fights are real . We need to check their regularity.

Baby 40 weeks pregnant

At 40 weeks of pregnancy there are no harbingers of childbirth - and this is the second birth? Do not be afraid of this, even if the first time the birth occurred, for example, at 38 weeks. Each pregnancy is individual, and it is impossible to predict how the process will proceed.

When a pregnancy is 40 weeks old, the second birth or the first should alert the following:

In all these cases, the woman is tried to be placed in advance in a hospital under observation. Such conditions can threaten the child and mother. If a woman feels that she is sick at the 40th week of pregnancy, she should definitely tell the doctor about it. Possible occurrence preeclampsia and preeclampsia.

Normally, a child is born on the 40th week of pregnancy, the second is pregnancy or the first, with a weight of 3.3 kg to 3.5 kg. It happens that the weight reaches 4 and even up to 5 kg - such “warriors” are not uncommon, especially if the mother is large. This is considered normal. But in this case, a caesarean section is usually used to prevent ruptures.

The growth of a newborn is from 47 to 52 cm. The norm is also averaged, deviations in one or another strontium are possible.

Girls are more likely to be born smaller than boys. This is genetically determined.

So, the 40th week has come - the pregnancy is coming to an end. Now the bill goes on days. Very soon, the long-awaited baby will be born. In order for everything to go well, the expectant mother needs to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, walk, relax and tune herself to a favorable outcome. Our thoughts are material - so say psychologists. Let's build a positive program for ourselves, and then a miracle will happen soon - a new inhabitant will appear on planet Earth, who is already impatient to look at his new home.

Health and patience to you, may the birth be safe!

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