- What are the causes of late miscarriage?
- Signs of miscarriage
- What happens after miscarriage?
- Can you figure out what went wrong?
- How to restore the body?
- Causes of late miscarriage
- Threat of late miscarriage
- Pregnancy after a late miscarriage
- Forms of threatened abortion
- Late termination of pregnancy after the 22nd week
- What to do if you suspect a late miscarriage?
- After a miscarriage
Doctors describe late miscarriage, like the one that occurs after 12 to 24 weeks of gestation. The causes and consequences are different. Broken parents, loss of pregnancy is a terrible blow from which you will not recover immediately. But sometimes it is necessary to find the strength in oneself and figure out to the end what went wrong, find out the reasons. It is necessary for the future of the family to prevent the same, but in subsequent pregnancies.
What are the causes of late miscarriage?
The reason for late miscarriage (more often than early miscarriage) is usually the problem of the mother’s health. Keep in mind that such maternal health problems that may lead to late miscarriage may be related to:
- problems with the uterus. Abnormal forms of the uterus, or myoma;
- a condition that affects the blood, such as sickle cell anemia;
- a condition that affects hormones, such as: diabetes mellitus or disorders thyroid gland . These conditions may not cause problems if they are properly managed during pregnancy;
- bacterial infections that can cross the placenta. Listeriosis is an infection that can be obtained from food poisoning. - this is an infection from eating unroasted meat or contact with cats carriers. Both of these ailments are very rare and easy to avoid;
- viral infections, such as or an infection that can cause fever. You will be tested for rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy. Most women are immune because they have had it or were vaccinated in childhood;
- vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or very rarely, group B streptococcus. This is possible, but unlikely;
- any serious illness involving the heart and blood circulation, liver or kidney. They can lead to a late miscarriage, you will be under special control if you have the above diseases.
There are other factors that can lead to late miscarriage.
Very rarely, late miscarriage occurs, as there is a child development problem. These are usually chromosomal abnormalities that are not compatible with the life of the baby.
Signs of miscarriage
The most obvious signs of late miscarriage are pain and bleeding. Bleeding can be with blood clots. Other signs may also include leakage of water or the fact that you no longer feel any movement in the uterus.
Sometimes, there are no warning signs, and the baby’s death is detected during an ultrasound scan. The news will be a big shock. It is impossible to understand and accept because you had no idea what was going on inside your body.
What happens after miscarriage?
Depending on the stage of pregnancy, some parents want to see their baby. Some people instinctively know that they do not want to see the baby.
There is no right or wrong approach, and parents themselves make this decision.
Can you figure out what went wrong?
There are tests that can help doctors figure out what happened. Your blood will be checked for signs of infection or clotting, and your placenta will be checked for signs of infection. You can give consent to doctors to conduct pathological examination (dissection) of your child. This survey may reveal:
- health problems that may help in the future;
- was your child's development normal;
- causes of miscarriage;
- sex of the child.
How to restore the body?
In the first few weeks you will have some vaginal bleeding and possibly pain. As a rule, it is lochia. But if bleeding or pain intensifies, or there are bad-smelling vaginal discharge, call an ambulance. There may remain tissue, and it threatens to infection.
The body will be a reminder of the loss. Breast can produce milk. This is normal, but sad and physically uncomfortable. Milk will leave naturally. The main thing is to keep it from appearing.
Feeling a new life inside is difficult to compare with something, pregnancy is not in vain considered to be one of the best periods for every woman. However, sometimes it happens that this happy time ends in tragedy - a late miscarriage. A woman who lost a child and her relatives very often ask themselves questions: how and why did this happen, was it possible to avoid such an outcome and how to live on? The loss of a child is not the end, but only a difficult period that needs to be lived through, learn lessons, correct mistakes and regain the miracle of motherhood.
According to the generally accepted medical classification, late miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion in the period from 12 to 20 weeks. If the bleeding, accompanied by the death of the baby, happens before the above period, they talk about early miscarriage if later about preterm labor.
In the absence of proper medical care, both early and late miscarriage threaten the life and health of the woman. At such a time, even with the most modern advances in medicine, the fetus cannot survive.
Causes of late miscarriage
Spontaneous abortion in women happens due to various factors. As a rule, they are not associated with the pathology of the fetus itself. The most common cause of late miscarriage is placental abruption due to abdominal trauma, infectious or inflammatory processes , physical or emotional exertion of a pregnant woman.
Threat of late miscarriage
Some pathological conditions in the body of the expectant mother may contribute to the threat of late miscarriage. These include: failure of the uterine cervix, premature opening of the cervical canal, the abnormal structure of the uterus, the presence of formations (fibromatous nodes) or foreign bodies (helix) in its cavity, and placental insufficiency. The threat of late miscarriage increases with infectious diseases, including rubella, listeriosis, and diabetes. Therefore, it is imperative that pregnant women are under constant medical supervision. If a threat is detected even before a late miscarriage, and its timely elimination, pregnancy can be saved.
Pregnancy after a late miscarriage
The sudden death of a baby before birth is a significant stress for the mother's body, both physiologically and psychologically. Some women decide to conceive a child immediately after what happened. However, by such actions they only increase the risk of reliving the tragedy once more. Experts unanimously argue that a pregnancy after a late miscarriage can culminate in the birth of a healthy child only if the interval between conceptions exceeds 2 years. Such a period is necessary for the body to restructure and prepare for the bearing of the fetus. If a woman has a history of miscarriage (early and late miscarriages, premature birth), then she should be more careful in re-planning her child. In particular, it is necessary to undergo an in-depth medical examination, identify the pathologies that caused the spontaneous abortion and get rid of them.
Many women who have experienced a late miscarriage, do not dare to re-start the baby because of fears once again face the tragedy. Experts recommend that they maintain a positive attitude and predict a successful resolution of pregnancy. A major role in this is played by the support of competent doctors, psychologists, and especially relatives and friends of the future mother. Remember, thoughts materialize. Think good!
Miscarriage on late terms , the reasons for which can be very diverse, is considered up to 28 weeks. From the 28th to the 36th week, such interruption is considered to be premature birth.
At the moment of miscarriage, the ovum separates from the uterine wall due to contraction of the uterus muscles. Up to 28 weeks, fetal survival is reduced to zero; in the period after 28 weeks, there is a probability of child survival, but very small.
Forms of threatened abortion

Causes of pathology
The reasons for miscarriage in the later periods are many. Gynecologists can highlight the most basic:
- Cervical insufficiency. This is a disease of the cervix that can develop after gestation. In addition, this pathology may be a consequence of congenital anomalies of the female reproductive system.
- Infection that entered the body of the fetus in utero.
- Death of the embryo.
- Abdominal damage in the event of a stroke.
- Premature detachment of the placenta.
- Infectious diseases.
- Previously performed operations on the uterus or vessels.
- Constant stressful situations.
If pregnancy is interrupted for a period of 12 to 22 weeks, the miscarriage may already be considered late. Its causes may be infectious, inflammatory, endocrine characters. With constant observation of a pregnant woman with cervical insufficiency, miscarriage can be avoided by taking all necessary measures to prevent it.
Late termination of pregnancy after the 22nd week
At this time it is already difficult to lose a child. If a miscarriage occurs after 28 weeks, then it is considered premature birth. There are cases when it was possible to save the baby’s life at this time. The very first sign of miscarriage is the discharge of blood from the uterus, even the smallest.
Most often it starts with small blood discharge , which in increasing sequence turn into heavy bleeding.
Along with this symptom may appear spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen. Blood can have both a scarlet color and a brown tint. Bleeding is not always heavy, but it can last up to several days.
The pain in this case is not required. It can then occur, then for some time to pass. A woman may feel unwell suddenly. At the same time from the uterus can be allocated bloody pieces. That means a miscarriage. This condition is explained by the fact that the fetus could have died long before the first symptoms appeared and therefore is separated in parts.
What to do if you suspect a late miscarriage?
If you suspect a miscarriage, you should immediately lie down and call a doctor. Do not drink any medicine until the arrival of the doctor. Do not apply cold to the stomach to soothe the pain. This will only worsen the situation, as the uterus is more actively reduced from cold.
If this is only a threat of miscarriage, then the pregnancy can be saved with special medicines that can relax the uterus myometrium. In addition, drugs are prescribed to eliminate bleeding, sedatives and painkillers, as well as vitamin E. The course of treatment lasts depending on the condition of the woman from 2 weeks to 1 month. At this time, a woman should worry as little as possible, not engage physical exercise and refrain from sex.
Prevention of bleeding:
- Planning a pregnancy, refusal of artificial interruption.
- Minimizing physical stress and sexual relationship while carrying a child.
- At the time of pregnancy planning, all gynecological problems should be treated, especially sexually transmitted diseases.
- Planning conception up to 35 years.
After a miscarriage
After spontaneous miscarriage should deal with identifying the causes of this situation. This is necessary in order to conduct a thorough treatment and in future conception to avoid a repetition of such an incident. Many girls, having lost a child, are trying to get pregnant again as quickly as possible, which leads to repeated miscarriages. In order for the body to recover from injury, it needs at least a year.
What are the causes of late miscarriage?Can you figure out what went wrong?
How to restore the body?
What are the causes of late miscarriage?
What happens after miscarriage?
Can you figure out what went wrong?
How to restore the body?
A woman who lost a child and her relatives very often ask themselves questions: how and why did this happen, was it possible to avoid such an outcome and how to live on?
What to do if you suspect a late miscarriage?