
Increased acetone in the urine of a child: causes, symptoms, norms and treatment

  1. Causes and factors
  2. Symptoms and signs
  3. Diagnostic methods
  4. Treatment goals

The condition of the body in which there is an increased level of acetone in the urine of a child is called acetonuria . This pathology occurs as a result of metabolic disorders or the presence of a serious disease of internal organs.

In some cases, this is only a temporary phenomenon associated with the peculiarities of the child’s body, in others it is a wake-up call indicating a serious illness . In any case, the cause must be found and take all necessary measures.

Causes and factors

Causes and factors

What does elevated acetone in the urine of a child mean?

The main cause of exceeding the norms of acetone in the urine are ketones in the blood - acetonemia . Ketones are intermediates in the synthesis of carbohydrates.

Under normal conditions, they should not exist at all, since they are split into simple sugars, but this is not happening under the influence of some factors.

Ketone substances are toxic to the human body and, when released into organs and tissues, cause a destructive and toxic effect. The child's metabolism and various redox processes are disturbed.

Simply put, an increase in acetone in the urine indicates problems with the absorption of carbohydrates and their subsequent breakdown, which causes a number of pathologies in the body. As a result, this substance is excreted through the kidneys with urine.

Why is this happening? The following factors can affect the appearance of this problem:

  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • diabetes;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • disorders of the immune system;
  • endocrine or metabolic diseases;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • malnutrition or overeating;
  • low amount of water in the body;
  • frequent physical or emotional fatigue;
  • being in a state of stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lack of vitamins or minerals (for example, anemia - lack of iron);
  • lack of vitamins or minerals (for example,   anemia   - lack of iron);

  • malignant tumors;
  • injuries of internal organs;
  • impaired enzyme production;
  • indigestion;
  • congenital anomalies of the body.

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Symptoms and signs

With increased acetone in the urine , the following symptoms are observed:

  • indigestion (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • frequent urination;
  • smell of acetone from the mouth or urine;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • reduced appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • general weakness;
  • white bloom on the tongue;
  • increased skin dryness;
  • irritability and irritability;
  • insomnia.

When observed in children with elevated levels of ketones in the urine throughout the year, a diagnosis is made "Acetonemic syndrome" .

This phenomenon happens only in children . This is not a specific disease, but a complex of symptoms. In this case, the child has additional signs of the disease :

Acetonemic syndrome is of two types:

  1. Primary (idiopathic). It occurs for unknown reasons, that is, there are no visible pathologies of organs or any diseases in the body. The syndrome results from a disorder of the nervous system that affects the metabolic processes (metabolism). These are usually nervous and capricious children, too sensitive and emotional. They have poor appetite, restless sleep, retardation in mental and physical development.
  2. Secondary . Appears in the presence of other diseases, most often of an infectious nature (sore throat, influenza, ARVI, etc.). In other cases, it may be diabetes mellitus or diseases of internal organs (thyroid, kidney, pancreas, etc.).

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Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic methods

It is easy to detect elevated acetone in the urine. To do this, it is enough to conduct a general urine analysis in the nearest hospital.

However, the main purpose of diagnosis in this case is to find the cause of the appearance of acetone.

This is the only way to cure a child. In addition to the general analysis of urine , other studies are prescribed for the child :

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical blood test for glucose;
  • urine and blood test for leukocytes;
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs;
  • tomography of internal organs.

After conducting all the necessary tests and research, the doctor must find the main reason for the increase in acetone in the urine.

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Treatment goals

Begin therapy can only doctor after diagnosis. At home it is impossible to do.

Hospitalization is usually not required, so treatment can be carried out at home , but under the supervision of specialists. In different cases, different treatment methods are used.

Therapy has the following objectives:

  • decrease in the level of acetone (ketones in the blood and urine);
  • elimination of ketone poisoning symptoms;
  • power adjustment;
  • elimination of the cause of the pathology.

decrease in the level of acetone (ketones in the blood and urine);   elimination of ketone poisoning symptoms;   power adjustment;   elimination of the cause of the pathology

If an infection is the cause of the disease, antibiotics will be prescribed.

For violations in the functioning of the internal organs, treatment will be systemic at the discretion of the physician. To cleanse the body of acetone, a child is prescribed enterosorbents ( Polysorb, Activated carbon, Smecta , etc.).

Elevated levels of acetone are accompanied by carbohydrate starvation, therefore, in some cases, the child is given a dropper with glucose content to recuperate. At the same time, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of fluid in the body caused by vomiting and frequent urination.

In each case, the treatment is chosen individually, that is, there is no one way to treat acetone in the urine, as there are many reasons.

However, the level of acetone can be influenced by diet, which is an important element in treatment.

To do this, first of all you can not go hungry or overeat. During periods of exacerbation, one should enrich the diet with carbohydrate-containing food: dairy products, vegetables, fruits, jam, honey, and biscuits. Sweet is possible, but in reasonable quantities and in the absence of diabetes.

It is also necessary to reduce the amount of consumed fats and proteins. You should not eat broth, smoked meats, spicy foods, chocolate, fast food and products containing preservatives. It is important to monitor the lifestyle of the child.

He must lie down and get up at the same time, that is, abide by the regime . Sleep should last at least 8 hours a day. It is useful to take walks in the fresh air and it is harmful to sit at a computer for a long time. Small physical exertion will only have a positive effect. It can be light jogging or swimming in the pool.

The appearance of acetone in the urine is observed up to 12 years . After this, the enzymatic system is already fully formed and there should be no relapses if there are no serious diseases.

In any case, elevated acetone in the urine is associated with an unhealthy diet or lifestyle , so you need to look for the problem and fix it in this direction.

At the first symptoms of this problem, it is better to consult a doctor who can select the appropriate treatment and quickly get rid of the illness.

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