
Treatment of Schlätter’s disease without interrupting workouts at the gym

  1. Knee treats UHT therapy

Traditional methods of treating Schlätter’s disease imply the cessation of sports for several years

Traditional methods of treating Schlätter’s disease imply the cessation of sports for several years. However, sometimes even resort to the imposition of a plaster cast.

How to avoid the development of such a scenario and defeat the formed sore with the overseas name without interrupting training? This will be discussed in this article.

The main "carriers" of this disease are adolescents and young people who, on average, are from ten to eighteen years old. It is clear that any guy or girl at this age who exhibits exceptional skills in physical training or strives for this, with good reason, consider themselves to be an Olympic reserve.

For them, to stop their favorite activities in the gym for a few months, or even years, and to forget about world records means getting a serious emotional blow.

Schlätter's disease, in addition to imposing a medical ban on training, has another unpleasant feature - it can be accompanied pains in the knee. Even at rest. With their sharp increase during physical exertion.

Usually, in order to combat pain syndrome and the development of pathology, an orthopedic or traumatologist recommends the cessation of sports for a long period (from six months to three to five years). For temporary anesthesia applied injections with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The patient is recommended exercises to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and increase the elasticity of the hamstrings and patellar tendon. Unfortunately, with the help of exercise therapy it is not always possible to achieve a positive result.

Sometimes in the field of pathology is the death of bone tissue. In this case, the affected areas have to be surgically removed. When you return to physical exertion after the onset of improvement, pain may recur.

This is the trivial treatment scheme for Schlätter’s disease. It is not the cause that is treated - the lack of nutrition in the tissues, but the consequence is pain syndrome. Therefore, the restoration of health is delayed for an indefinite time.

Such dismal picture acts on young athletes and their coaches simply depressingly. And in vain. Do not despair. There is a way out with optimistic developments.

Medicine does not stand still. Already a few years ago, the practice of treating this pathology of the knee joint called shock wave therapy successfully entered the practice of traumatologists and orthopedists. Abroad, it has been used for quite some time.

Knee treats UHT therapy

Developer of domestic methods of sports medicine using UVT therapy, MD, Professor V.V. Titov in his clinic successfully treats Schlätter's pathology without operations and long detachments of athletes from classes in the gym. Due to the impact of the shock wave on the affected tissue, capillary growth in the area of ​​pathology is stimulated. This allows:

  • enrich local tissue nutrition;

  • reduce inflammation and pain;

  • significantly improve the elasticity of the hamstrings and patellar tendons.

In order for the coach to save the athlete for further sports, advise him to contact him or bring him on a consultation with the doctor of shock wave therapy. Such specialists now work not only in Moscow. The regions have already developed a network of clinics with services of this type. Similar services are provided in centers kinesitherapy Bubnovsky S.M.

Your attention is invited to video with information on the treatment of this disease with the help of shock wave therapy.

Using modern medical equipment, UHT experts successfully solve problems with the musculoskeletal system in a short time and without operations. They return the young athletes to the team and coach after serious illnesses. Including, and after pathology Shlyatter.

These sores used to make the younger generation say goodbye to sports. If not forever, then for a long time.

Now, with a few medical procedures, the doctor can eliminate pain in the knee and relieve swelling. The leg returns complete freedom of movement. This method is painless for the patient.

To preserve the future champion the opportunity to continue to exercise fully, without pain, it is enough for him to undergo the therapeutic course of shock-wave therapy from five to seven procedures. And Schlätter's disease is defeated.

How to avoid the development of such a scenario and defeat the formed sore with the overseas name without interrupting training?